Altus Traffic

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First Line of Defence: How Portable Traffic Solutions Protect Road Workers

At Altus Group, we adhere to the Roads Australia - Road Worker Safety Industry Guideline as our benchmark for providing traffic treatments that go beyond standard safety measures. Our proactive approach in delivering advanced traffic management solutions is driven by our commitment to protecting our road workers and aiming for zero fatalities and injuries in workzones. By raising the bar in safety standards and controlling exposure to hazards, we continually strive to enhance the safety measures we offer our customers.  


Elimination and reduction controls are our primary strategy for ensuring workzone safety. We proactively remove hazards, significantly reducing the need for lower-tier safety measures and preventing road workers from being exposed to risks in the first place. 

An extract from the Roads Australia - Road Worker Safety Industry Guideline showing hierarchy of control for separating workers from traffic and hazard exposure.

To significantly improve road worker safety, we have incorporated elimination and reduction controls that align with the Safe System approach. These measures are designed to minimise harm in every workzone through the strategic use of advanced safety technologies: 

  • Portable Traffic Lights: These devices are operated by remote control from a safe zone, removing traffic controllers from the direct line of traffic. This system not only improves safety but also efficiency in traffic management.  

  • Portable Boom Gates: Approved across multiple Australian states, these portable boom gates provide a strong physical barrier, visibly delineating workzones and shielding both workers and traffic controllers from direct exposure to traffic hazards. 


While speed reader boards are categorised as engineering treatments rather than direct elimination and reduction treatments in Appendix C of the Road Worker Safety Industry Guideline, we view their usage as a vital complementary safety measure. They amplify the effectiveness of our traffic treatments, further safeguarding our frontline workers: 

  • Speed Reader Boards and eSAS® (Electronic Speed Awareness Signs): These tools are instrumental in influencing driver behaviour, promoting adherence to speed limits by providing real-time feedback on vehicle speeds as drivers approach workzones. 

Road and infrastructure companies should actively seek to incorporate elimination and reduction treatments into their projects, recognising the paramount importance of these measures in enhancing safety. By prioritising these treatments, companies not only comply with industry safety standards but also demonstrate a commitment to the well-being of road workers and the general public. Implementing such proactive safety measures can lead to more efficient project execution, a reduction in costly delays due to workplace incidents, and a stronger reputation for safety and responsibility in the industry.

As the Australian landscape of infrastructure development continues to evolve, adopting these safety protocols is not just beneficial; it's essential for fostering safer work environments and building trust among stakeholders.